Scantech Tue, 27 Feb 2024 02:56:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Revolutionizing Wind Power Industry: Enhancing Stator Frame Processing with 3D Scanning Technology Tue, 27 Feb 2024 02:36:17 +0000

As the global warming crisis and the demand for clean, carbon-free electric power intensify, renewable energy sources such as wind power have experienced tremendous growth in adoption.

Therefore, the demand for precise and high-quality components in wind power generating industry is on the rise.

In the wind power industry, the stator frame plays a pivotal role as it secures and supports coils, ensuring their precise and stable positioning, which directly impacts the performance and operational capacity of wind power generators.

To guarantee the quality of the final product and the accuracy of precision machining, high-precision 3D laser scanners are increasingly used by customers to inspect blanks of stator frames.

Through this blog, we delve into how 3D scanning technology can revolutionize workflows in the wind power industry.

01 Customer Requirements:

In processing stator frames, locating the datum is paramount, as it directly influences the precision of the entire process.

Any deviation in the flatness, perpendicularity, or parallelism of the datum can lead to dimensional variations and positional shifts during subsequent processing, potentially causing part malfunctions.

Customer Requirements

The customer in this scenario seeks to obtain geometric dimensions of the stator frame blank surface to properly locate the datum. This ensures subsequent processing precision while minimizing errors.

Traditional method of locating the datum with a dialgauge can be inefficient and time-consuming. With 3 hours to locate a datum, only a few hundred pieces are output, which could not meet the expected production capacity requirements.

02 Project Challenges:

As the wind generator’s stator frame features with large size, a 3D scanner that has a large measurement volume, high resolution accuracy is necessary to capture precise 3D data of its key features.

The stator frame has a metallic reflective surface and hard-to-measure geometric features, such as curves and edges. These pose challenges for the complete collection of data by conventional measuring equipment.

03 Solution: TrackScan-Sharp

Fast Scanning: Leveraging the TrackScan-Sharp tracking 3D scanning system enables rapid scanning of stator frames without the need for markers. This eliminates time spent on applying and removing markers, streamlining inspections in just five minutes.


Model Acquisition: With a maximum accuracy of 0.025mm, TrackScan-Sharp swiftly acquires high-precision 3D point cloud data. This data is imported into professional software to generate clear and intuitive 3D model of the stator iron frame.

maximum accuracy of 0.025mm

Machining Allowance Analysis: The software facilitates comparison and analysis between 3D models and standard CAD models, confirming machining allowances on each processing surface of the blank. The intuitive report assists in locating the datum, providing guidance for subsequent machining processes.

Machining Allowance Analysis
Machining Allowance Analysis

04 Advantages of the Solution:

Ensuring Precise Processing: The 3D data acquired by TrackScan-Sharp guarantees more precise processing, allowing each step to be executed in the correct position and direction, thereby enhancing overall processing precision.

Improving Processing Efficiency: With a point cloud acquisition rate of 2.6 million measurements/second, the dimensions, shapes, and key data information of the blank can be quickly obtained, greatly shortening the processing cycle compared to traditional measurement methods.

Reducing Production Costs: Allowance analysis helps to determine the amount of material to be removed when machining the blank, thereby minimizing material waste, significantly reducing rework and scrap rates.

05 What Customer Says:

Scantech’s 3D scanner facilitated the acquisition of precise 3D data from the stator frame blanks, enabling us to accurately determine the datum and machining allowances.

This significantly enhanced the quality and efficiency of our machining processes, preemptively addressing potential issues and minimizing resource wastage due to deviations.

Committed to innovation, Scantech continually advances 3D scanning technology, injecting fresh momentum into digital transformation across industries.

Through our dedication to cutting-edge 3D solutions, we strive to drive forward more sophisticated and sustainable technological advancements in industry development.

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How to Inspect Auto Sheet Metal Stamping Parts in the Era of New Vehicle Development Thu, 22 Feb 2024 07:53:40 +0000

Auto sheet metal stamping parts are essential components of modern vehicles, as they form the body shape and provide structural support.

These parts not only determine the aesthetic design of the vehicle, but also affect its safety, aerodynamics, and fuel efficiency.

Hence, maintaining high standards of quality for sheet metal parts is important for achieving the desired outcomes in new vehicle development.

However, inspecting stamping parts is not an easy task. Traditional inspection tools, such as calipers, gauges, are limited by their low efficiency, high cost, and inability to capture the whole complex surface shape of sheet metal parts.

These tools cannot meet the requirements of large-scale automobile production, especially in the era of rapid new vehicle development.

In this blog, we will introduce how we use Scantech’s 3D laser scanner AXE B11 to provide fast, accurate, and convenient inspections of sheet metal stamping parts.

It can capture the full geometry of stamping parts in a matter of minutes, and compare it with the CAD model to identify any defects or deviations.

Inspect Automotive Stamping Parts

The company, in this case, specializes in designing, manufacturing, and selling high-quality moulds, fixtures, and automotive parts for various industries and applications.

They face a challenge in ensuring the quality and fit of the stamping parts that they produce for a leading Chinese car manufacturer.

The customer needs to inspect the hole position, flush, and overall deformation of these parts, as these affect the assembly and performance of the car.

The customer is looking for a solution that can reduce the inspection time, and improve the inspection accuracy and reliability.

Challenges of Measuring Sheet Metal Stamping Parts

Challenges of Measuring Sheet Metal Stamping Parts

Sheet metal stamping parts are thin, soft, and prone to deform, which is hard to measure. This requires careful handling to prevent damage and distortion during inspection.

The customer used to clamp the stamping part down in a checking fixture, and use a feeler gauge to measure the gap between the part and the fixture along the circumference of the sheet metal. This method has several drawbacks:

When using a feeler gauge, they can only inspect the deformation of the sheet metal in its circumference instead of the whole surface.

It does not provide a clear and intuitive report that can show the deformation of the entire sheet metal, which makes it hard for the customer to improve their production process and communicate with the host factory.

Different inspection tools are required for different stamping parts. This means that various plug gauges are needed to inspect hole positions. This adds to the costs of designing and manufacturing inspection tools.

inspecting the stamping parts with 3D scanners

When inspecting the stamping parts with 3D scanners, it is also necessary to fix them on a fixture to keep the part stable during the measurement. However, fixing the part creates challenges for 3D scanning.

The sheet metal and the fixture fit tightly together, and the sheet metal is very thin. This makes it hard to get accurate data of the holes. This also adds to the difficulty of getting accurate data from scanning.

Moreover, the customer also faces some scanning difficulties, such as the obstruction of the clamp of inspection tool.

The Solution: 3D Laser Scanner AXE B11

To solve these problems, the customer decided to use Scantech’s portable 3D laser scanner AXE, which can quickly and accurately scan the stamping parts and offer comprehensive and intuitive reports.

3D Laser Scanner AXE B11

AXE handheld 3D scanners are widely used in the automotive industry for fast, accurate, and complete inspection of car parts’ surfaces, edges, and holes, as well as for designing and developing new components and vehicles.

Unlike traditional measurement methods, AXE 3D scanner measured the stamping part without touching it. Therefore, it measured the part without causing damage or affecting its integrity.

It 3D scanned the sheet metal parts from multiple angles with high flexibility, overcoming the issues of limited positioning and inflexibility of traditional methods.

AXE has a special function for inspecting holes. It useda high-power light source that can enhance the contrast between the holes and the surrounding background, which made it easy to identify holes on stamping parts.

It identified holes quickly and accurately and obtained their 3D data, including their geometries and positions, which improved the inspection efficiency.

It scanned the entire sheet metal part in an average of 3-5 minutes

It did not require customized plug gauges for different inspection tools, which reduces the costs and simplifies the inspection process.

It scanned the entire sheet metal part in an average of 3-5 minutes, depending on the size of the product, and generated a report that can show the flush and deformation of the whole stamping part.

It made their detection methods more standardized and evidence-based, which is more market competitive to meet customers’ demands.

AXE 3D scanner

This project demonstrates how AXE 3D scanner can help sheet metal manufacturers and suppliers improve their quality inspection process and achieve better results.

AXE is a versatile and powerful 3D scanner that can be applied to various industries and scenarios, such as aerospace, shipbuilding, mold making, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about AXE and how it can help you with your 3D scanning needs, click here to know more.

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Navigating Extreme Terrain: Prodrive’s Utilization of 3D Scanning Tech in Motorsport Mon, 19 Feb 2024 06:24:35 +0000

In the realm of extreme sports, few events rival the intensity and challenge of the Dakar Rally. Beyond being a mere race, it stands as a testament to human endurance and the resilience of machinery.

Originating in 1978, the Dakar Rally has grown into a global phenomenon, spanning over 5,000 miles of unforgiving terrain, from deserts to mountains and savannas.

Prodrive made its debut in the rally scene in 2020 and has since been a consistent participant in the last three Dakar rallies.

They have earned a well-deserved reputation for their adeptness in designing and manufacturing resilient and high-performing race and rally cars.

Their track record of success speaks volumes about their proficiency in creating championship-worthy vehicles.

A prime example of their prowess is when the Prodrive’s Hunter model clinched the top three positions on a Dakar stage, highlighting the company’s dedication to engineering excellence.

Dakar Rally

“We need to monitor the health of our vehicles, particularly the space frames” -Paul Doe, Chief Chassis Engineer.

The Dakar Rally stands out as one of the toughest races worldwide, with its challenging terrains and extreme weather conditions.

Ensuring the structural integrity of vehicles is paramount to ensure the safety of drivers and co-drivers. Any damage or abnormalities in the frame could jeopardize the vehicle’s stability, rendering it unsafe for use.

The vehicle’s frame serves as the foundation of its structure, influencing its overall performance. Compromised frames can impact handling, speed, and reliability – crucial factors in the demanding environment of the Dakar Rally.

Regular inspections play a vital role in identifying potential issues early on, allowing for prompt repairs and maintenance. This proactive approach extends the vehicle’s lifespan and reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions during the race.

Post-rally inspections yield valuable insights into how vehicles have endured the rally’s harsh conditions. These insights inform refinements and improvements in the design and manufacturing processes, driving continuous enhancement and innovation in 3D engineering solutions.

The inspection process of the Dakar frame goes beyond a mere routine check; it is a comprehensive endeavor that underscores safety, enhances performance, promotes longevity, and fuels the relentless pursuit of excellence in motorsport.

Elevating the Frame 3D Data Capturing Process with TrackScan-Sharp

Elevating the Frame 3D Data Capturing Process with TrackScan-Sharp

For this task, our local partner T3DMC utilized the Trackscan-Sharp, a state-of-the-art large-scale 3D scanner, renowned for its advanced capabilities:

This tracking 3D scanning system harnesses cutting-edge optical tracking technology and high-resolution cameras to deliver unmatched accuracy and efficiency in scanning large-scale parts and components.

With a measuring volume of 49m3 and a tracking distance of up to 8 meters, the Trackscan-Sharp enabled capturing the front and sides of the vehicle in a single position, minimizing the need for tracker repositioning and thus saving time while reducing the risk of errors.

our local partner utilized the Trackscan-Sharp

The following step involved a comprehensive inspection of the motorsport frame. By comparing the latest scan data with historical records, any structural changes or potential damage were identified.

Importing the STL file representing the newly captured 3D mesh of the automotive frame into inspection software facilitated a side-by-side comparison with existing records.

This critical analysis allowed for the detection of any deviations or changes in the frame’s structure resulting from the stresses endured during the rally.


The utilization of 3D scanning technology in the realm of motorsport, particularly in race car inspection, represents a significant advancement in efficiency and precision.

The integration of cutting-edge tools like the TrackScan-Sharp has revolutionized the inspection process, offering a seamless and accurate experience for continuous improvement and innovation in race car design and manufacturing processes.

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Revolutionizing Automotive Mold Manufacturing with Scantech’s 3D Scanning Solutions Thu, 15 Feb 2024 14:30:09 +0000 Automotive molds are the cornerstone of vehicle design and production. These critical components shape the aesthetics, functionality, and safety of automobiles. Traditionally, mold manufacturing has been a complex, time-consuming process with a significant margin for error. The advent of advanced manufacturing technologies, however, is changing the landscape.

Scantech provides cutting-edge 3D scanning solutions that redefine the standards of precision and efficiency in automotive mold manufacturing. With our technology, manufacturers can rest assured that the molds they produce are of the highest fidelity, ensuring that the vehicles they help create meet the stringent demands of today’s market.

In this blog, you will learn how Scantech helped improve quality, lowering cost and increase efficiency of mold manufacturing.

About the Customer

One of Scantech’s most notable collaborations has been with a large Sino-Japanese joint venture, dedicated to the development and production of mid-to-high-end automotive molds and automotive door cover coverings.

large Sino-Japanese joint venture

Challenges in Traditional Mold Manufacturing

The customers entailed the meticulous inspection of their automotive stamping sheet metal molds. These intricate components required thorough analysis for geometric dimensions, surface flatness, and defect characterization. The inherent complexity of mold production processes, which involve precision cutting, forming, and punching, left no room for error. Traditional mold manufacturing faces several obstacles, such as handling large, cumbersome molds, intricate geometries, reflective surfaces, and the intrusive nature of measurement techniques. These challenges often lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in the production process.

Size and Mobility

The sheer size and weight of automotive molds render them hard to move. This poses a significant challenge as transporting these bulky objects to a dedicated measurement facility is impractical, if not impossible. Consequently, the measurement process must be brought to the mold, not the other way around.

Complex Geometries

Automotive molds feature an intricate amalgamation of surfaces, including undercuts, sharp edges, deep cavities, and fine details. Traditional measurement methods often fall short when dealing with such complexity, leading to incomplete data capture and subsequent inaccuracies.

Reflective Surfaces

The metallic composition of the molds introduces another hurdle. The reflective nature of these surfaces can lead to significant measurement noise, distorting the data collected and compromising the integrity of the measurement process.

Measurement Intrusiveness

Traditional methods often require the application of sprays or the attachment of physical markers on the mold surfaces. These procedures are not only time-consuming but may also interfere with the mold’s surface characteristics, leading to additional post-measurement cleanup and potential surface damage.

Scantech 3D Solution and Advantages

In response to these challenges, Scantech introduced the TrackScan-Sharp 3D scanner, aiming to deal with measurement tasks with ease and accuracy. This high-end equipment excels in analyzing complex shapes and structures, including irregular features like curves, holes, and rough or sharp edges, without the need for markers or powder spraying. Meanwhile, it could be deployed directly on the workshop floor, offering a non-intrusive, highly accurate scanning process.

On-Site Scanning Capability

The TrackScan-Sharp tracking 3D system could be easily brought to the manufacturing floor, offering the flexibility to scan large molds in-situ without the need for transportation or repositioning. It supports wired and wireless data transfer to cater to different industrial uses, making scanning even easier.

Advanced Surface Recognition

The scanner is equipped with sophisticated algorithms capable of interpreting complex geometries and reflective surfaces. This technology ensures comprehensive data capture, even in the presence of challenging surface characteristics.

Non-Intrusive Process

Our 3D scanning process eliminates the need for any physical contact with the mold surface. By doing away with powder spraying and marker placements, we preserved the integrity of the mold’s surface while significantly reducing the preparation and cleanup time.

Swift Data Acquisition

The TrackScan-Sharp’s optical tracking technology and rapid scanning abilities allowed for a complete scan within 40 minutes, ensuring that the manufacturing process could proceed with minimal interruption.

TrackScan-Sharp easily brought to the manufacturing floor

Detailed Analysis and Reporting

The captured point cloud data was meticulously processed, aligned, and registered to transform into a precise geometric model. This model was then compared against the standard CAD blueprint, allowing for an immediate and detailed assessment of any deviations.

Embracing the Future of Manufacturing

The automotive industry is evolving, and Scantech is at the helm, guiding it towards a future where precision is not a mere possibility but a guaranteed deliverable. Our 3D scanning technology is more than a tool; it is a promise—a promise of quality, reliability, and advancement.


By offering a combination of precision, speed, and ease of use, we enable manufacturers to uphold the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Our case study with the Sino-Japanese automotive joint venture is a testament to our commitment to innovation and our capability to meet the needs of the industry’s most challenging demands. Scantech’s advanced 3D scanning solutions are redefining what is possible in automotive mold manufacturing.

For more information about our technology or to explore how we can support your manufacturing process, visit our website or reach out to our team of experts. With Scantech, precision is just the beginning.

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Unlocking the Potential of 3D Body Scanning Sat, 10 Feb 2024 11:33:18 +0000

What is a 3D body scanning?

A 3D body scanning is a technological process that employs 3D scanning technology to capture the surface geometry and intricate details of the human body. Utilizing a 3D body scanner, this scanning method gathers data points across the body’s surface, generating a three-dimensional model typically presented as a point cloud. These point clouds intricately capture the contours, curves, and nuanced features of the human body, resulting in the creation of highly detailed and authentic digital representations.

Several technologies facilitate 3D body scanning, including structured light scanning, laser scanning, and multi-view stereography. Notably, structured light scanning is a prevalent technique that achieves precision in crafting 3D models by projecting light patterns and utilizing cameras to record these patterns on the human body’s surface.

What constitutes a 3D body scanning

The applications of 3D body scanning technology extend across various domains, such as the fashion industry (for tailored clothing), the medical field (for personalized medical equipment and orthotics), and the sports sector (for analyzing and optimizing athlete postures), among others. By delivering precise body measurements, it serves as a robust solution for diverse customized and personalized requirements.

What contributes to the popularity of 3D body scans?

The widespread adoption of 3D body scanners can be attributed to their revolutionary impact across various domains, particularly in the realm of body measurement. The accessibility and non-intrusiveness of 3D scanning, coupled with ongoing technological advancements that enhance device capabilities, position this technology as an optimal solution for meeting individual requirements and streamlining processes across diverse industries. Notably, 3D body scanning introduces innovative possibilities for crafting fashion accessories and personalized mementos.

What contributes to the popularity of 3D body scans

Furthermore, the reliability of 3D body scanners as systems for recording and measurement plays a pivotal role in ensuring the effectiveness of training programs and recovery interventions. As a tool dedicated to health and fitness, its inherent convenience further amplifies its appeal and contributes to its sustained popularity.

Advantages of 3D Body Scanning

The benefits of 3D body scanning extend across various domains, showcasing its prowess in accuracy, personalization, and diverse applications, ushering in innovation and convenience in fields such as fashion, healthcare, sports, and design.

High Accuracy

3D body scanning excels in providing precise body measurements, capturing intricate curves and features with unparalleled accuracy. This technology can reveal details imperceptible to the human eye, making it invaluable in numerous scenarios. The quality of results is contingent on the type of body scanner employed, with some advanced systems capable of simultaneously capturing detailed images of multiple individuals, including color and texture.

Personalized Customization

A significant advantage lies in personalized customization, catering to the fashion industry and healthcare. In fashion, 3D body scanning enables the customization of clothing and accessories, delivering consumers a unique and personalized fashion experience. In the medical field, accurate body data obtained through 3D body scanning facilitates the manufacturing of personalized medical and rehabilitation equipment, addressing patient-specific needs and advancing personalized medical treatments.

3D body scanning enables the customization of clothing and accessories

Fast and Non-Invasive

3D body scanning surpasses traditional measurement methods with its speed and non-invasiveness. The technology operates swiftly, eliminating the need for direct contact with the individual being measured, thereby minimizing discomfort during the process. This efficiency makes 3D body scanning ideal for large-scale data collection and diverse applications.

Digital Design Integration

Serving as a foundation for innovative design and digital modeling, 3D body scanning fosters the convergence of technology and design. Designers and engineers leverage high-precision body measurement data for digital modeling and virtual prototyping. This accelerates product development cycles, reduces manufacturing costs, and propels the evolution of digital design and production.

3D body scanning fosters the convergence of technology and design

Applications and Cases of 3D Body Scanning Technology

The versatility of 3D body scanning technology extends beyond traditional industries, making significant contributions to various sectors:

Fashion and Custom Clothing

In the fashion industry, 3D body scanning is employed to craft customized clothing. Precise body measurements enable designers to create garments tailored to individual body shapes, enhancing both fit and comfort.

Scantech iReal 3D scanners are capable of creating accurate body models for customized clothing, spanning from scanning to garment production. Their precision, efficiency, and potential to develop customer body databases could have a transformative impact on the garment industry. For more detailed information, visit 3D Scanning Technology Enables Flexible Garment Production.

apparel design

Medical and Rehabilitation

3D body scanning technology in healthcare delivers personalized, precise, and efficient medical services to patients. It equips medical professionals with powerful tools to enhance diagnosis, treatment, and recovery processes.

By providing precise, quick, and non-contact measurements, Scantech iReal 3D body scanner offers significant benefits in the customization of orthopedic braces, ensuring high accuracy and enhanced comfort for the patient. For more detailed information, visit Comprehensive 3D Solution for Health Care.

Sports Science and Training

Widely used in sports science, 3D body scanning analyzes athletes’ posture and movements. This aids in improving motor skills, preventing sports injuries, and optimizing overall athletic performance.

Digital Modeling and Design

Serving as a digital design tool, 3D body scanning creates realistic human body models. Designers gain access to accurate body shape and proportion data, supporting innovative and precise designs.

Cultural Heritage Protection

In the realm of cultural heritage, 3D body scanning is employed for recording and protecting cultural relics and monuments. High-precision scanning leads to the creation of digital cultural heritage archives, supporting restoration and research efforts.

A noteworthy application of this technology is the use of the Scantech TrackScan 3D system in scanning dinosaur fossils. This advanced 3d scanning system provides an unprecedented level of detail and accuracy, capturing the intricate textures and structures of the fossils. By creating high-resolution 3D models, the TrackScan 3D system allows paleontologists and researchers to conduct in-depth analyses and virtual simulations. Moreover, the digital preservation of fossils through 3D scanning opens up new possibilities for education and public engagement.  For more Detail from:

dinosaur fossils

Game Development

3D body scanning also plays a crucial role in game development. It contributes to the creation of more realistic characters and immersive gaming experiences.

Education and Research

In education, 3D body scanning is applied to subject research and medical education. Students and researchers benefit from a better understanding of human body structure and function through digital models.

A prime example of this is the creation of a virtual bone repository by CEU Cardenal Herrera University using Scantech iReal 3D color scanner. This project involved scanning a variety of bones, achieving detailed models with realistic textures and colors. The repository serves educational and research purposes, offering a valuable digital resource for studying anatomy and morphology across different species. It exemplifies the potential of 3D scanning in enhancing medical learning and protecting physical specimens. For more detailed information, visit CEU Cardenal Herrera University Creates a Virtual Bone Repository with Scantech’s 3D Scanner

Bone Repository for Medical Education and Research

The Best 3D Body Scanners

Embark on a revolutionary 3D scanning journey with the iReal series, spearheaded by Scantech. Recognized as the pinnacle of 3D data collection, the iReal series, particularly the iReal M3, stands as an unrivaled choice, delivering exceptional performance and unmatched flexibility. Setting itself apart, the iReal M3 seamlessly transitions between infrared laser and structured light modes, ensuring a flawless 3D data collection experience across diverse application scenarios. Whether scanning individuals or objects, indoors or outdoors, the iReal M3 accomplishes each task with effortless precision.

Boasting dual infrared lasers, the iReal M3 caters to the varied demands of 3D data collection, accommodating different sizes, materials, and scenes. The employment of Infrared VCSEL and infrared parallel lasers adheres to safety standards, ensuring no harm to human eyes. These two invisible light sources not only prioritize scanning safety but also contribute to a user-friendly and comfortable experience. Additionally, the iReal M3 features two independently controllable fill lights. The invisible infrared fill light enhances mark recognition and adapts to black materials, while the LED fill light boosts brightness for impeccable color alignment. This versatility allows the iReal M3 to deliver exceptional scanning results across diverse environmental conditions.

Opting for the iReal M3 guarantees an unparalleled fusion of high performance, adaptability, and user-friendly design, presenting an extraordinary solution for all your 3D scanning requirements. Explore more about the groundbreaking Scantech iReal series, leading the way into the future of 3D scanning.”

]]> 0 Expanded Vision for Effortless Smooth - iReal 2E Color 3D Scanner nonadult
What is structured light 3d scanning? Thu, 01 Feb 2024 02:30:21 +0000

Amidst the continuous emergence of innovative technologies, the demand for presenting real-world objects in 3D is on the rise, particularly in the realms of machine vision and 3d visualization, where precise and adaptive 3D capture capabilities have become indispensable.

3D scanning serves as a method for extracting the surface and physical dimensions of an object, subsequently representing them in digital form. This data is gathered in the form of point clouds, delineating the external surface of the object through X, Y, and Z coordinates. An in-depth analysis of 3D scanning data allows for the determination of crucial information, including surface area, volume, shape, contour, and feature size of the scanned object.

To execute 3D measurement, a probe is employed to measure the distance to each point on the object’s surface. In theory, this probe could take the form of a tactile (physical contact) probe. However, given that numerous applications necessitate non-contact measurements, optical technologies provide viable solutions by relying solely on light-based to detect objects of interest.

What is structured light 3d scanning?

What is structured light?

Structured light, employed as an optical method in 3D scanning, functions by projecting a series of meticulously designed light patterns onto the object under measurement in a specific sequence. During this process, a camera, positioned at a known distance from the projector, concurrently captures a sequence of images of the illuminated object.

The captured image undergoes distortion based on the surface shape being scanned in relation to the flat reference surface utilized for calibration. Leveraging the principles of geometric triangulation, the XYZ coordinates for each point on the scanned object’s surface can be computed. The resulting point cloud data is then utilized to construct a detailed 3D model of the scanned object’s surface.

Structured light scanning employs a single light source to project multiple lines onto an object, which are concurrently tracked by one or more cameras. This differs from laser scanners, which emit individual laser points onto an object sequentially. While the fundamentals of structured light 3D scanning have been in existence for decades, early models were often characterized by their rudimentary nature, bulkiness, high costs, and usability challenges.

However, by the late 1990s, advancements in computer and camera technologies rendered structured light 3D scanning more practical and suitable for smaller research initiatives, commercial enterprises, and casual users. The evolution of this technology not only enhances scanning precision but also improves the user-friendliness of the equipment, thereby unlocking new possibilities for structured light 3D scanning technology, widely applicable across diverse fields.

How does structured light 3D scanning work?

The functionality of structured light 3D scanning is rooted in utilizing optical techniques to project a series of uniformly intense beams, sequentially illuminating the object under measurement. A single beam proves insufficient for the 3D scanning of an object as it fails to capture the depth of distinct features. To address this limitation, structured light scanning employs intricate calibration patterns containing projections with alternating light gradient stripes. This design enables the camera to differentiate various depth values within the observed pattern, thereby facilitating the creation of a more precise 3D model.

Two methods generate these fringe patterns: the intersection of two laser beam fronts or the use of a single light source passing through a digital spatial light modulator. Both methods yield regular and evenly spaced light streaks. Although most structured light scanning traditionally utilizes white light, the adoption of blue light is becoming standard due to its superior accuracy and its capacity to mitigate the impact of reflections and transparency.

How does structured light 3D scanning work

The generation of 3D models through structured light scanning necessitates sophisticated phase unwrapping algorithms, often integrated into the capabilities of 3D scanning platforms. The quality of the results is pivotal to the resulting model’s accuracy. Optical resolution relies on stripe width and optical quality, constrained by the wavelength of light. The phase-shift method enhances resolution by capturing multiple shots of slightly shifted fringes. Present-day optical stripe pattern profilometry supports detailed resolution down to the wavelength of light, surpassing 1 micron or approximately 1/10 of the stripe width. In terms of horizontal accuracy, interpolation ensures reliable height resolution and accuracy down to 1/50 pixel.

Advantages and Challenges of Structured Light 3D Scanning

Structured light 3D scanning stands out with numerous advantages, positioning itself as the preferred technology for users worldwide across various fields. Let’s delve into the key strengths of structured light scanning and its significant impacts in diverse applications:

Non-contact Measurement

Structured light scanning excels in capturing a wide array of objects comprehensively. In contrast to contact measurement methods like Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) or target photogrammetry, which are often impractical for unique artifacts, museum pieces, or high-value collections, structured light scanning facilitates non-contact measurements with sub-millimeter accuracy. This reduces the risk of damage, making it a valuable choice in sensitive scenarios.

ireal m3 non-contact 3d scanning

High-Speed Scanning

Renowned for its exceptional speed, structured light 3D scanners outpace traditional photogrammetry, CMM machines, or manual measurement tools. Completing tasks in just one to two hours, these scanners significantly enhance work efficiency, especially in dynamic and time-sensitive environments.

Excellent Accuracy

Structured light ensures high-precision 3D scanning. Going beyond traditional measurement methods like calipers and rulers, it captures the entire object or scene from all angles, providing comprehensive data. This is particularly crucial for measuring complex objects, surpassing the limitations of merely capturing discrete points and linear extensions on the surface.

Absolute Safety

Structured light has a longstanding and safe track record in healthcare. Extensive testing and medical approval affirm its safety in various settings, including hospitals, schools, and businesses. Unlike certain laser scanners that pose potential risks of vision damage or employ radiation for scanning, structured light scanners offer a harmless and effective alternative.

Structured light has a longstanding and safe track record in healthcare.

However, structured light 3D scanning encounters challenges, including sensitivity to environmental factors such as scanning shadowed objects or areas with multiple light sources. Additionally, it may face challenges with transparent or reflective materials, potentially leading to the loss of details in the resulting model. Addressing these challenges requires specialized handling and remediation to ensure accurate and reliable scan results.

Structured Light 3D Scanning: Versatile Applications Across Diverse Industries

Structured light 3D scanning technology’s extensive applications extend beyond traditional fields, showcasing its adaptability and versatility.

Reverse Engineering of Objects

Structured light 3D scanning plays a pivotal role in reverse engineering, transforming real-world objects into digital models. This is particularly crucial for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) data generation in manufacturing, significantly expediting the product design and development process.

Records of Cultural and Historical Artifacts

Structured light scanning finds increasing significance in cultural relic protection and the preservation of cultural heritage. Through high-precision scanning, intricate details of cultural artifacts can be accurately recorded, supporting restoration, research, and digital preservation efforts.

Records of Cultural and Historical Artifacts

Motion and Environment Capture for Augmented Reality Games

Game development leverages structured light 3D scanning to capture player movements and environments, enhancing the realism and immersion in augmented reality gaming experiences.

Body Measurements for Fashion Retail

Within the fashion industry, structured light scanning facilitates accurate body measurements. This aids customers in finding clothing that best suits their body shape, elevating the overall shopping experience.

Body Measurements for Fashion Retail

Automotive Industry

In the automotive sector, structured light 3D scanning is used extensively for prototyping, design, and quality control. Manufacturers scan parts and assemblies to ensure they meet strict specifications and fit together precisely. This technology is crucial for reverse engineering components, especially when original CAD data might not be available, or when modifications are needed for aftermarket products.

structured light 3D scanning is used extensively for prototyping

As structured light technology continues to evolve, its applications are poised to expand, unlocking more intriguing and innovative possibilities. In the future, structured light 3D scanning is anticipated to become a standard tool across various industries, offering practical digital solutions to an even broader spectrum of users.

Structured light 3D scanning VS Laser 3D scanning

While structured light 3D scanning has proven its mettle across diverse applications, offering precision, speed, and safety, another technological marvel in the domain of 3D digitization is laser scanning. Laser 3D scanning, or laser triangulation, presents a distinct approach, harnessing the power of laser technology to capture the physical world in unparalleled detail.

Unlike structured light scanning, which relies on the projection of patterned light, laser scanning focuses on the interaction of a single laser point with the object’s surface. This method offers its unique set of advantages and challenges, tailored for specific applications where precision, resolution, or speed are paramount.

Advantages of Laser 3D Scanning

High Precision and Resolution: Laser 3D scanners are renowned for their high precision and resolution, such as Scantech KSCAN-Magic handheld 3D scanner,  capable of capturing even the minutest details of an object. This makes them ideal for applications requiring meticulous detail and accuracy.

Versatility in Material Compatibility: Laser scanners exhibit less sensitivity to different surface types and colors compared to structured light scanners. They can efficiently scan metallic, dark, or shiny surfaces, which might pose challenges for structured light scanners.

Robust in Various Lighting Conditions: Laser scanners are less susceptible to ambient lighting conditions, allowing for consistent performance in diverse environments, whether indoors or outdoors.

Long-Range Scanning Capability: Certain laser scanners, like TrackScan-Sharp 3D system, are designed for long-range scanning, capable of accurately capturing large structures or environments from a distance. This is particularly beneficial in construction, architecture, and large-scale industrial applications.

Non-contact Measurement

Structured Light 3D Scanning Unleashes a New Era of Digital Solutions

Structured light 3D scanning technology emerges as a rapid, user-friendly, accurate, and highly effective method for capturing objects and scenes. Its widespread applications across medical, manufacturing, and cultural heritage fields underscore its indispensable role as a digital solution. As an increasing number of schools, universities, and industries integrate 3D scanning technology, the future for structured light 3D scanning appears promising, fostering advancements across diverse industries. This technology stands poised to shape the landscape of numerous sectors, contributing to their growth and innovation.

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Inspection of Automotive Aluminum Casting Mold with TrackScan-P 3D Scanner Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:38:57 +0000 Automotive casting molds are essential components for producing various parts of automobiles, such as engine blocks, cylinder heads, pistons, and gears.

The quality of the molds directly affects the quality of the final products, as well as the performance, safety, and durability of the automobiles.

However, making high-quality automotive casting molds is not an easy task. The molds are often large, complex, and have intricate details and features.

They also need to withstand harsh conditions, such as high temperature, pressure, and corrosion, during the casting process. Therefore, the molds need to meet high standards of accuracy, precision, and reliability.

Any defects can compromise the quality of the molds and the products, and lead to increased manufacturing costs, waste, and rework.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits and applications of 3D scanning and inspection, focusing on Scantech’s optical 3D measurement system TrackScan-P for the inspection of automotive casting molds.

Automotive Part Manufacturer

The customer is a large automotive parts manufacturer who produces automotive wheels, chassis, powertrain, car body parts, and molds. It is a key player and a global leader in the automotive parts production and manufacturing industry.

Inspect a Mold for Aluminum Casting

The customer needed to inspect a mold that was used to produce automotive aluminum castings by measuring its geometric dimensions, features, surfaces.

They aimed to evaluate whether the mold met the requirements of the drawings, to make timely adjustments and repairs.

Inspect a Mold for Aluminum Casting

Pain Points of Traditional Measurement Methods

Previously, they applied dye to the upper die and assembled the upper and lower dies to check for any dye changes, which indicated the presence of any issues with the mold.

This method was inefficient and difficult to detect small defects in the mold. It also increased the on-site handling and transportation of the dies and increased potential risks of damage.

Moreover, this method was not able to capture the full geometry and surface details of the molds, including the position of guide rods. They wanted to find a more efficient, accurate, and safe method to inspect mold.

Optical 3D Measurement System: New Solution for Inspection

This is where 3D scanning and inspecting technology comes in. We recommended our TrackScan-P portable 3D laser scanner to our customer, which quickly and accurately obtained the 3D data of the mold.

Optical 3D Measurement System

The 3D scanner measured the mold in a non-contact and non-destructive way, without the need to apply any dye or powder.

By comparing it with the 3D model, the engineer analyzed the position of guide rods on the fixed die and the position and diameters of cylinders on the moveable die.

With intuitive color maps generated by T-Viewer 3D software, they also clearly identified the actual conditions of the mold, including size deviations, surface defects, etc.

Besides that, using the 3D data captured, the engineer virtually simulated the assembly state of two upper and lower dies for further analysis.

Benefits of 3D Scanning and Inspection Solutions

Benefits of 3D Scanning and Inspection Solutions

Impressive Precision

Thanks to its accuracy of up to 0.025 mm, TrackScan-P allowed for the capture of intricate details on the mold surface. This level of accuracy was crucial in ensuring that the manufactured automotive parts meet strict quality standards.

High efficiency

It also streamlined the process by capturing comprehensive data quickly and without the need for physical contact, sticking targets or applying powder.

It reduced the on-site moving of molds and the risks of damage, and saving time and manpower. This efficiency led to significant time savings in the inspection, contributing to overall production efficiency.

Comprehensive Analysis

Comprehensive Analysis

The point cloud generated through 3D scanning were analyzed in detail, allowing manufacturers to identify deviations from the intended design more easily.

This comprehensive analysis helped in detecting defects or irregularities on the mold surface that may affect the quality of the produced automotive parts.

Faster Iterative Processes

Faster Iterative Processes

3D scanning allowed for quick adjustments based on real-time feedback. Manufacturers identified and addressed issues promptly, reducing the time required for design modifications and enhancing the overall agility of the production process.

The TrackScan-P 3D scanned the mold in a fast, accurate, and safe way, and provided comprehensive and intuitive data and analysis.


The TrackScan-P 3D scanned the mold in a fast, accurate, and safe way, and provided comprehensive and intuitive data and analysis.

The TrackScan-P is a professional 3D scanner that can help large automotive parts manufacturers improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing molds.

Optimizing mold design enables us to produce high-quality, high-precision, and smooth-surface castings.

The optical 3D measurement system can also help customers to optimize the design and adjustment of the mold, and improve its performance and lifespan of the mold.

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Revolutionizing Precision in Industrial Manufacturing: Scantech’s Dynamic Trio Shines at NORTEC 2024 Fri, 26 Jan 2024 07:53:28 +0000

NORTEC 2024, a pivotal trade fair for manufacturers in northern Germany, witnessed the debut of Scantech’s innovative 3D scanning solutions.

This marked Scantech’s inaugural participation in this northern German event, and Scantech has made a significant impact by showcasing the flagship portable 3D scanners – KSCAN-Magic, SIMSCAN, and TrackScan-Sharp.

These cutting-edge solutions left a lasting impression on numerous attendees, offering a fresh perspective on innovation and efficiency in the manufacturing industry.

Revolutionizing Precision in Industrial Manufacturing

Held from January 23 to 26, NORTEC has been a cornerstone event in the manufacturing industry for over 30 years, attracting both local production companies and visitors from across Germany and neighboring European countries.

NORTEC is an indispensable platform for engaging with the dynamic German industrial landscape.

KSCAN-Magic – Versatility Unleashed for Manufacturing

The KSCAN-Magic stands out with its five operation modes—large-area scanning, ultra-fast scanning, hyperfine scanning, deep-hole scanning, and a built-in photogrammetry system.

This versatility enables manufacturers to use it across various applications, from detailed product development to efficient quality control.

With the capability to perform 4.15 million measurements per second, this 3D scanner ensures highly efficient measurements for various applications.

Moreover, this scanner offers ultra-high precision and non-destructive testing (NDT), making it ideal for quality inspection, reverse engineering, and product development.

Versatility Unleashed for Manufacturing

SIMSCAN – Redefining Portability for Accessibility

Weighing only 570g, SIMSCAN is a palm-sized 3D scanner explicitly designed for manoeuvrability and flexibility. Its compact size and scanning area of 700*600 mm make it ideal for scanning hard-to-reach areas.

Recognized with the Red-Dot Award and the China Design Silver Award, SIMSCAN doesn’t compromise on accuracy (as high as 0.020 mm) while offering unparalleled ease of use. It has become the preferred choice for customers seeking a small, efficient 3D scanner.

Redefining Portability for Accessibility

TrackScan-Sharp – Extensive Measurements for Large-scale Precision

TrackScan-Sharp is designed to meet the demands of measuring large-scale parts.

The optical 3D measurement system, comprising the portable 3D scanner i-Scanner and optical i-Tracker, ensures high-precision and large-volume measurements suitable for industries requiring extensive data capture.

With a measurement rate of up to 2.6 million measurements per second and volumetric accuracy of up to 0.049 mm (10.4 m3), TrackScan-Sharp excels in meeting the stringent and tight-tolerance requirements in manufacturing for sectors such as aerospace, automotive, and heavy machinery.

Extensive Measurements for Large-scale Precision

Throughout NORTEC 2024, Scantech provided live demonstrations and expert technical support, engaging with attendees to illustrate how Scantech’s 3D scanners can significantly contribute to their manufacturing goals.

About Scantech

Scantech is a high-tech metrology company that specializes in developing, manufacturing, and the sales of 3D scanners with the capability of automated solutions.

Scantech provides professional 3D digital solutions for various industries and thousands of enterprises from different countries and regions.

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How 3D Scanning Helped Preserve and Enhance Fence Panels of a Historic Site Fri, 19 Jan 2024 08:35:11 +0000

Have you ever wondered how to preserve and enhance a historic site without compromising its original style and integrity?

That was the challenge our customers faced when they were hired to create new fence panels for Officers’Square, a National Historic Site in Fredericton, Canada.

In this blog post, we will show you how our reseller helped create new ornamantal cast iron fence panels using 3D scanning.

We will also share the benefits of using 3D scanning for this project, such as:

●  Saving time and money by avoiding manual measurements and drawings
●  Capturing accurate and detailed 3D data of the existing fence panel
●  Creating a smooth and symmetrical surface model of the fence panel
●  Designing the new top and bottom rail easily and quickly
●  Ensuring the fit and quality of the pattern and the casting

If you ever visit Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick, Canada, you might want to check out Officers’ Square, a National Historic Site.

The square was once a military base and a public gathering place for the city’s residents. Today, it is a popular spot for cultural events, concerts, and festivals.

Ensuring the fit and quality of the pattern and the casting

The fence of Officers’ Square has undergone several changes over the years. The aim for this project was to create new fence panels that would match the historic style of the original fence, but with a slightly different top rail profile to reflect the new design.

The change is to create a precise 3D model and make sure that the casting model would not replicate 100 years of corrosion and wear, but rather represent the casting fairly.

3D Scanning and Casting for Creating New Fence Panels

Thompson Foundry is a Canadian company that has been manufacturing castings integral to the function and success of a broad range of customers worldwide, for over half a century.

Dependable Industries has been producing high-quality patterns and tooling for a wide variety of industries since 1968. Its family-owned and operated business has an expert staff and highly-experienced pattern makers.

To achieve this, 3D scanning and casting technologies were used.

The 3D scanner they used is KSCAN-Magic portable 3D laser scanner. It is a cutting-edge composite 3D scanner that integrates infrared and blue lasers in one versatile instruments. It boasts five standard operating modes including the ultra-fast 3D scanning and hyperfine scanning.

3D Scanning and Casting for Creating New Fence Panels

Step 1: 3D Scanning the Fence Panel

The first step was to 3D scan the existing fence panel using the KSCAN-Magic 2 to capture high-resolution and precise 3D data. The 3D scanner is easy to use and can scan complex objects quickly and accurately.

They 3D scanned the fence panel from different angles and distances, making sure to cover every detail. The 3D scanner automatically aligned the data and created a 3D point cloud of the fence panel.

3D Scanning the Fence Panel

Step 2: Processing the Data in 3D Design Software

The next step was to import the 3D point cloud data into 3D design software that can convert 3D data into CAD models. Since the 3D scan data was of high quality, they only needed minimal editing and processing to make the CAD model usable.

In the software, they removed the top and bottom rail of the fence panel, since they were going to be redesigned. They also used the auto surface feature to generate a smooth surface that captured the details of the fence panel but without the surface irregularities caused by corrosion and wear.

pattern manufacturing

They then split and mirrored the panel to make it symmetrical for pattern manufacturing.

Designing the New Top and Bottom Rail

Step 3: Designing the New Top and Bottom Rail

The next step was to design the new top and bottom rail of the fence panel according to the customer’s sketches. They used 3D design software to create the new rail profiles and attach them to the fence panel.

They slightly altered the top rail, while keeping the new rails’ style and dimensions in line with the original fence.

Machining the Pattern

Step 4: Machining the Pattern

The next step was to machine the pattern for the fence panel using Dependable Industries’ CNC machines after the models were arrayed and verified for their fit.

A pattern is a replica of the final product that is used to create a mold for casting. The CAD model of the fence panel was sent to Dependable Industries to machine the pattern.

Casting the Fence Panel

Step 5: Casting the Fence Panel

The final step was to cast the fence panel using Thompson Foundry’s casting facilities. They used iron as the metal for the fence panel, as it is durable and resistant to corrosion.

After the sand was cast and cleanup

After the sand was cast and cleanup, a new fence pane was successfully made.

New Fence Panels for a Historic Site

The Result: New Fence Panels for a Historic Site

The result of the work was a new fence panel that fit perfectly with the historic fence of Officers’ Square. The fence panel had the same style and dimensions as the original fence but with a slightly different top rail profile.

The fence panel also had a smooth and fair surface that did not replicate the corrosion and wear of the old fence.

3D scanner KSCAN-Magic

3D scanning and casting technologies are powerful tools for preserving and enhancing historic sites, as they can capture, replicate, and modify existing structures without compromising their original style and integrity.

These technologies can also save time and money, improve accuracy and quality, and enable creativity and innovation.

The customers were very pleased with the amazing performance and functionality of the 3D scanner KSCAN-Magic. Scantech was honored to provide this precise 3D laser scanners to preserve and enhance the historic site that has a rich history and cultural significance.

We hope that the fence panel will last for many years and be enjoyed by many visitors.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about 3D scanning and casting technologies. If you have a similar project or need 3D scanning for any other purpose, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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How We 3D Scanned Stamping Dies and Inserts Faster and Better Than Ever Sat, 13 Jan 2024 09:08:07 +0000 Stamping dies and inserts are essential tools for manufacturers who produce automotive stamping parts such as fenders and hub caps. These dies can be used time and again to produce parts that have uniform sizes and shapes and meet the required standards and specifications. These tools are usually made of metal or other wear-resistant materials, and they need to be measured accurately and quickly to ensure the quality and efficiency of the production process.

However, scanning these large and reflective tools can be challenging, especially have many intricate details and comes in substantial quantities. Traditional measurement methods rely on manual labor, which is time-consuming and error-prone. Common 3D scanners in the market require powder spraying to scan reflective surfaces, which is also not accurate and efficient enough.

In this blog, we will share with you how we used optical 3D measurement system TrackScan-P to measure stamping dies and inserts faster and better.

Die Manufacturer Looks for New Inspection Solution

CPM TOOL Co., Ltd is a leading die shop in China that specializes in producing transfer, tandem and progressive dies for automotive stamping parts. With over 27 years of experience and development, CPM TOOL Co., Ltd has become a world-class tooling supplier that works with many global companies and OEMs.

3d inspection solution

The customers are looking for a solution to scan large stamping dies that can reach up to 5 meters in length. The scanning results must be highly accurate to guarantee the quality of the dies and the final products. The measurements must also be quick to shorten the inspection time and enhance the production efficiency. In addition, hundreds of inserts have to be measured, which makes the task more complex and urgent. A fast, accurate, and flexible scanning solution is therefore necessary.

Disadvantages of Common Measurement Method

The customer faced several challenges in using a common 3D scanner for large-scale die measurement.

First, the scanning process was slow and cumbersome. The insert had to be sprayed with powder before scanning. What’s more, it requires cleaning after scanning, which slows the whole process. Besides that, as the large die required many times of alignment of scanned data, the scanning speed of the instrument dropped significantly after more than 120 times of alignment.

Second, the scanning accuracy was low, especially for the hole positions on the sheet metal, which needed multiple-angle trials to obtain reliable results.

Third, the after-scanning workflow was complex, as the multiple scans for different dies had to be split and saved manually, which was time-consuming. These issues prevented the customer from achieving their daily target of 300 pieces.

The 3D Solution We Provided

The customer used our optical 3D measurement system TrackScan-P and 3D software T-Viewer to scan the customer’s dies and inserts.

optical 3d measurement system trackScan-p

TrackScan-P is a state-of-the-art optical 3D measurement system that can scan large, glossy, and complex parts with high accuracy and efficiency. Unlike conventional 3D scanners that require reference targets to be attached to the parts, TrackScan-P uses intelligent optical tracking measurement and high-resolution cameras to capture the 3D data without any contact.

3d scanner catching 3d data

TrackScan-P can also scan multiple parts simultaneously and save their 3D data individually, making it ideal for batch inspection and comparison. Moreover, TrackScan-P can be paired with additional modules to enable extendable applications, such as inspecting circles, grooves, and machined holes of stamping parts with an auxiliary light module. TrackScan-P is a versatile and powerful optical 3D measurement system that can meet the diverse needs of customers.

Highlights of Scantech’s 3D Solution

The operator used TrackScan-P to capture the shape and features of the die inserts, such as the 3D data of profile, structural surface, contour, pinholes, screw holes, and so on. By performing edge inspection, the worker measures the hole positions with accuracy and speed. With the T-Viewer 3D software that come with it, they compared the scanned data with the design specifications and checked for any deviations or errors. The optical 3D measurement system TrackScan-P also ensured that the perpendicularity of holes and flatness of the surface met the precision requirements.

scantech 3d solution

As it had a large measurement volume, it enabled the operator to scan multiple items at once and save them separately without the need for manual intervention or complex operations. Using 3D scanning technology, it achieved a high level of efficiency by measuring and inspecting 300 inserts per day.

large measurement volume 3d scanning

The optical 3D measurement system is highly effective for scanning large-scale parts, and it captured 3D data of one of theses dies (2.5 meters) within 15 minutes. Its target alignment function is also used for flipping the part to continue scanning, which reduces the need for adjustments of scanned data and enhances the inspection efficiency.

It also generated a visually intuitive color map, highlighting deviations with clarity for detailed analysis and facilitating precise adjustments in subsequent stages of the process.

3d scanning result color map

By using this system, we ensured that the dies and inserts met production requirements and shortened the time to market. The scanning results and analysis showed that our solution met the customer’s demand.

The Conclusion

The scanning project was a success, as we delivered a high-accuracy and fast measurement solution for the customer’s large-scale dies and inserts. Our optical 3D measurement system and multi-part scanning functions proved to be superior to the common 3D scanner that the customer used, in terms of scanning efficiency, quality, and convenience.

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